Are Endings New Beginnings?

Sunsets are the perfect examples to show you that endings can be beautiful too.  Watch a sunset and look at the changes the sky goes through every day. From that beautiful light blue hue, the skies fade into a pale scarlet or orange colour and then as you watch, it turns completely dark. However, the person watching this knows for sure that the next day the sun will rise again. The sky will burst into bright colours exploding with joy and hope again. Isn’t there a lesson to be learnt? Nature shows us daily that change should be embraced with excitement for endings are new beginnings.

The next time you feel completely drained and totally out of sync- remember the most beautiful sunset you have ever watched. There is a ray of hope in every situation. All it takes is the courage to change the way you think. The more you dwell on the existing situation, the deeper you fall. So change the thought. Your sunrise is just around the corner. All you need is to stop worrying and start exploring. The possibilities are unlimited.

Dawn is just a night away. Embrace the change even though it brings an end to all that you are familiar with. Consider it an opportunity to start afresh. Your past does not define you. Let go, pause and refresh your life. Get ready for your sunrise. The skies are about to explode into a rainbow of colours just for you 😊

The end is not the end in fact END means “Effort Never Dies” -APJ Abdul Kalam

In the end, one only experiences oneselfFriedrich Nietzsche

The end is never the end. It’s always the beginning of somethingKate Lord Brown

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln

Published by Mini B

Mini is a Freelance writer who firmly believes that writing adds passion to life. She enjoys writing on various topics and is eager to continue learning and discovering new, exciting aspects. She is an Engineer by profession while being a busy mom of two boys with personal experience in maintaining work-home balance, parenting, home improvement etc. She pursues yoga, meditation and of course, reading in her free time. Her focus is to create optimised and SEO friendly content for her readers.

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